NativeRest keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that provide an alternative way to do something that you’d typically do with a mouse.
Click Shortcuts in main menu or use shortcut Ctrl + Shift + / to open Shortcuts window.

NativeRest general shortcuts NativeRest editing shortcuts

General keyboard shortcuts

Description Shortcut
Create Request Ctrl + N
Duplicate Request Ctrl + Shift + D
Rename Request Ctrl + R
Pin Request Ctrl + P
Move Request Ctrl + Shift + M
Delete Request Ctrl + Shift + Del
Permanently Delete Request Ctrl + Shift + Del
Focus URL Alt + 0
Focus Request Tabs Alt + 1 — Alt + 5
Focus Response Tabs Alt + 6 — Alt + 9
Toggle Two-Pane View Ctrl + Alt + V
Send Request Ctrl + Enter
Show Test Examples Ctrl + Shift + T
Show Workspaces Ctrl + W
Show Variables Ctrl + E
Show Cookies Ctrl + L
Show Console Ctrl + K
Show Find Ctrl + F
Show Generate Code Ctrl + G
Show Recycle Bin Ctrl + T
Show Import Data Ctrl + Shift + I
Show Export Data Ctrl + Shift + E
Show Settings Ctrl + ,
Show Workspace Methods Ctrl + M
Show Shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + /
Show Profile Ctrl + Shift + P
Show Feedback Ctrl + Shift + J
Show About Ctrl + Shift + A
Open Home Page Ctrl + Shift + H
Close Modal Window Escape
Application Exit Alt + F4

Text Editing Shortcuts

Description Shortcut
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Duplicate Line Ctrl + D
Comment Line Ctrl + /
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z
Reformat Code Ctrl + Alt + L
Select All Ctrl + A
Open File Ctrl + O
Save to File Ctrl + S
Show Autocomplete Ctrl + {
Show Autocomplete Ctrl + Space