FAQ NativeRest

This page contains answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive.
If you have a feature request, a question or you would like to file a bug report, please use this GitHub issue tracker.
You can also send message via the contact form.

Will NativeRest run on macOS or Linux?

NativeRest is a native desktop app for Microsoft Windows: 7, 8, 10, 11 (64-bit versions). Since July 2024, NativeRest is also available on macOS and Linux. See installation guide.

Why do I need to create an account and log in?

You can use a local account. Login allows you to store data on NativeSoft server and have access to it on any Windows device. Login is also required to activate the features in the purchased subscription.

Where do I find keyboard shortcuts?

You can select Shortcuts in main menu or use shortcut Ctrl + Shift + / to open Shortcuts window.

Where are NativeRest data stored?

NativeRest stores data in the following location: %APPDATA%\Roaming\NativeSoft\NativeRest
If you are login to your account, your data is also stored on the NativeSoft server.

Can I use NativeRest for commercial use?

Yes, of course! See our pricing page for plan information.