Send GET request with body

NativeRest allows you to easily send GET request with a body. Essentially the same as sending a POST request, NativeRest does not place restrictions on the request method.

Make sure you've downloaded and installed the NativeRest desktop application. When you're ready, open the NativeRest desktop app and send your first API request.

To send GET request, select a request method from the list on the left. In GET request you can send the body, parameters and headers. But keep in mind that sending body in a GET request may cause some existing implementations to reject the request – while not prohibited by the specification, the semantics are undefined.

Send GET request with body

Request Options

Modify any HTTP method or GraphQL request with the following options.
– Body Select a body type from the Body dropdown menu on the tab. Add content that you want to send in the body of the request.
– Auth The authentication for the request. Select an authentication type from the Auth dropdown menu on the tab.
– Params Add query parameters to your request URL.
– Header Add a header to your request. For example, Content-Type: application/json.

HTTP Methods

A request includes an HTTP request method and the URL of the API endpoint. The method indicates the action you want the API to perform. Here are some of the most common methods:

  • GET retrieves data from an API.
  • POST sends new data to an API.
  • PUT and PATCH update existing data.
  • DELETE removes existing data.

When to use the GET request with body

However, this does not mean that you cannot always use the HTTP body with the GET method. In the following cases, the request body may also be sent using the GET method.

While the HTTP GET method is traditionally not associated with using request bodies, there are exceptions. For instance, when specifying search criteria, such as search keywords, you can incorporate them into the request body and use the GET method for transmission.

In cases where the number of query parameters is limited, like in REST APIs, the request body can serve as an alternative for sending data. Additionally, request smuggling may involve sending false request bodies to disrupt traffic analysis. In practice, although the GET method typically excludes request bodies, there are specific instances where this rule can be deviated from. In most scenarios involving data transmission via the HTTP body, methods like POST and PUT are commonly employed.

You used NativeRest to send an API request and got a response from the API server. It's okay to take a moment to sit back and reflect on how cool that is!

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