NativeRest 1.4.0 is out today!

NativeRest 1.4.0 is now available!
βœ… Automatically switch light and dark themes
βœ… Use system language by default
βœ… Added dark theme for the installer
βœ… Added password toggle button
βœ… Added confirm email window
βœ… Added reset password window
βœ… Added line counters on tabs
βœ… Ability to switch response view (raw and pretty)
βœ… Display images in the response
βœ… Added response MIME-type
NativeRest Reset Password window NativeRest Change Password window
To see the full list of improvements, check out the release notes. Found a bug or have an idea for a new feature or implementation?
Share your feedback with us in the comments, on Twitter, or in our issue tracker.
Happy developing! πŸš€